Hello everyone!

I'm a senior year computer science student from Birla Institute of
Technology and Science, India. I have experience in fields like Data Mining
and Machine Learning. Apart from doing basic coursework which included Data
Mining, Parallel Computing, and Machine Learning I have also worked on
research projects where we worked on building scalable DBSCAN like
clustering algorithms.

I have gone through the Apache Mahout website and was wondering if I could
contribute to Mahout in terms of algorithm development/improvising existing

I would be grateful if you could provide me with a starting point, from
where I can pick up and understand the Mahout ecosystem. I have no previous
experience in working with Apache Mahout or Spark but I have worked with
the Map reduce model before (but haven't used Hadoop)

I wish to work full time during summer and take part in the Google Summer
of Code 2017 program by contributing to Apache Mahout.


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