
Did you get an answer here RE: meeting tomorrow, Sat. 12/?14?

I can meet tomorrow afternoon, the later the better.

I'd forgotten several things this week. To cut an RC there are some new changes 
that need to be made to the release master's .m2.settings.xml (me? I'm fine 
with doing it, but have instructions if someone else wants to take crack 

I'd forgotten about my anniversary so wont finish anything more tonight, and 
prob will be out of pocket till at least 2:00PM PST tomorrow. I can try to get 
the change-scala-version.sh [1] worked out and committed by then, if someone 
wants to cut an RC before tomorrow afternoon can do a find/replace if the 
following [WIP] PR is not working (still needs testing).


New release commands [2]:
1. mvn clean package -Papache-release release:prepare
2. mvn -Papache-releaserelease release:perform

Instructions for new ~/.m2/settings.xml [2]:

This directory is for release related scrips and resources
Settings.xml: A setting file needed in the /.m2/ directory In order to sign 
artifacts All lines which need to be replace are marked with an <!-- EDIT THIS 
--> comment.<settings xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/SETTINGS/1.1.0"; 
<!-- ASF 2.0 LICENSE --> 
 <offline>false</offline>  <!-- To publish a release for staging to NEXUS via 
Maven -->
      </profile>      <profile>
     <!-- To publish a snapshot to Maven -->
<!-- EDIT THIS -->
<!-- EDIT THIS -->
    </server>     <!-- To publish a website of some part of Maven -->
<!-- EDIT THIS -->
<!-- EDIT THIS -->
     </server>     <!-- To stage a release via Maven -->
<!-- EDIT THIS -->
<!-- EDIT THIS -->
     </server>     <server>
      <passphrase>PASSPHRASE_TO_YOUR_SIGNING_KEY</passphrase>            <!-- 
     </server>        <!-- To stage a website of some part of Maven -->
       <id>apache.website</id> <!-- must match  repository identifier in 
site:stage-deploy -->
<!-- EDIT THIS -->
</settings> Required settings for a release via maven 3.3.9 
ASF_LDAP_PASSWORDin order to create an scp ssession with the repository to 
upload artifact in the deploy phase.THE_EIGHT_DIGIT_GPG_SIGNING_KEY_NAME
PASSPHRASE_TO_YOUR_SIGNING_KEYAre used to sign and verify commits. Theese are 
required variables which are used when creating a mahout release (and only if 
you inted to release.). The keyname: THE_EIGHT_DIGIT_GPG_SIGNING_KEY_NAME for 
lack of any imagination listed here must be recognized by ASF, and listed in 
the mahout /Distribution/KEYS file.Edit these variables to deploy to an other 



Fyi, there is a kown bug with mvn (i dont have it handy and have to run) 
occassionally, between release:prepare and release:perform the version number 
will be set to the next iteration without the deploy goal running..

in this case one must reset all the version back to 14.1 and run mvn deploy (or 
possibly mvn release:perform? .. itsbeen a while, but point is berfore running 
release:perform, sometimes need to rolback by hand and release otherwise you 
end up releasing 14.2-SNAPSHOT

I hope to be online by around 2:PM tomorrow. thanks


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