2012/10/9 Karl Wright <daddy...@gmail.com>:
> "- all worker threads are gone," ???
> Really??

yes... really.. this is why I am also writing that this is strange...
this is list of currently active threads:
Reference Handler       Waiting 
Finalizer       Waiting 
Signal Dispatcher       Running 
Attach Listener Running 
main    Waiting 
Timer-0 Evaluating...   
HashSessionScavenger-0  Waiting 
HashSessionScavenger-1  Evaluating...   
HashSessionScavenger-2  Waiting 
qtp1792381350-157       Evaluating...   
qtp1792381350-158       Waiting 
qtp1792381350-159       Evaluating...   
qtp1792381350-161       Waiting 
Job start thread        Waiting 
Startup thread  Waiting 
Delete startup thread   Waiting 
Finisher thread Waiting 
Job notification thread Waiting 
Job delete thread       Waiting 
Stuffer thread  Waiting 
Expire stuffer thread   Waiting 
Set priority thread     Waiting 
Expiration thread '0'   Waiting 
Expiration thread '1'   Waiting 
Expiration thread '2'   Waiting 
Expiration thread '3'   Waiting 
Expiration thread '4'   Waiting 
Expiration thread '5'   Evaluating...   
Expiration thread '6'   Waiting 
Expiration thread '7'   Waiting 
Expiration thread '8'   Waiting 
Expiration thread '9'   Evaluating...   
Document cleanup stuffer thread Waiting 
Document cleanup thread '0'     Waiting 
Document cleanup thread '1'     Waiting 
Document cleanup thread '2'     Waiting 
Document cleanup thread '3'     Evaluating...   
Document cleanup thread '4'     Waiting 
Document cleanup thread '5'     Waiting 
Document cleanup thread '6'     Evaluating...   
Document cleanup thread '7'     Waiting 
Document cleanup thread '8'     Evaluating...   
Document cleanup thread '9'     Waiting 
Document delete stuffer thread  Waiting 
Document delete thread '0'      Waiting 
Document delete thread '1'      Waiting 
Document delete thread '2'      Evaluating...   
Document delete thread '3'      Waiting 
Document delete thread '4'      Evaluating...   
Document delete thread '5'      Waiting 
Document delete thread '6'      Waiting 
Document delete thread '7'      Waiting 
Document delete thread '8'      Waiting 
Document delete thread '9'      Evaluating...   
Job reset thread        Waiting 
Seeding thread  Waiting 
Idle cleanup thread     Evaluating...   
Connection pool reaper  Sleeping        
qtp1792381350-160       Running 
qtp1792381350-162       Running 
qtp1792381350-163       Running 
qtp1792381350-156       Evaluating...   
derby.rawStoreDaemon    Waiting 

but still UI shows:

Name    Status  Start Time      End Time        Documents       Active  
Restart  Pause  Abort   msol-x  Running Tue Oct 09 15:15:29 CEST
2012            5689    10      5689

(10 documents left active to process and status = "running")

I checked the code of connector and there are only
"ManifoldCFException" throwed...

> I can think of no scenario where the worker threads disappear except
> if shutdown of the agents process is attempted and fails.
> WorkerThread catches all Throwable's and logs them and repeats in a
> loop.  The only kind of exception that can cause the thread to exit is
> an InterruptedException.
> This isn't making a heck of a lot of sense...
> Karl
> On Tue, Oct 9, 2012 at 9:58 AM, Maciej Liżewski
> <maciej.lizew...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Just looking at threads... but nothing special.
>> - all worker threads are gone,
>> - stuffer thread runs in a loop but finds nothing to do...
>> - other threads just waits on 'sleep' commands.
>> is there any particular thread I should look at?
>> I could guess that there was some exception (maybe in my connector,
>> but I could not repeat it) that was not handled and some worker thread
>> just disappeared...
>> How to enable debug logs so I could see verbose output from core functions?
>> 2012/10/9 Karl Wright <daddy...@gmail.com>:
>>> FWIW, getting thread dumps from the process running the agents process
>>> when it is "hung" may (or may not) help determine the underlying
>>> clause.
>>> Karl
>>> On Tue, Oct 9, 2012 at 9:21 AM, Karl Wright <daddy...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> What is your deployment model?  Is this a multiprocess deployment?
>>>> What database are you using?
>>>> There are various load tests for each database, which do far more than
>>>> 7000 documents.  I am concerned that you are seeing this because of
>>>> some kind of cross-process synchronization issues, which might occur
>>>> (for instance) if you are using a multiprocess environment with a
>>>> single-process properties.xml file.
>>>> Karl
>>>> On Tue, Oct 9, 2012 at 9:12 AM, Maciej Liżewski
>>>> <maciej.lizew...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> Ok... it is not a getMaxDocumentRequest issue, because I was able to
>>>>> get it even with getMaxDocumentRequest=1. Seems it occurs when
>>>>> indenxing large sets of documents (in my case ~7000). It also happened
>>>>> once for CIFS connecotr (with samba share)...
>>>>> result is like this:
>>>>> Name    Status  Start Time      End Time        Documents       Active  
>>>>> Processed
>>>>> Restart  Pause  Abort   Mantis  Running Tue Oct 09 13:56:59 CEST
>>>>> 2012            5689    1600    4400
>>>>> there is "active" documents count 1600 for about an hour now but there
>>>>> is no server load and nothing changes... seems that it is hanging
>>>>> somwhere inside manifold core.
>>>>> also - when hitting abort - nothing happens (job process remains in
>>>>> "aborting" state)...
>>>>> Problem is that it happens irregularly (sometime 10 documents,
>>>>> sometime 1600 and sometime all documents are indexed). Tried to check
>>>>> that locally but on first pass everything went ok... really strange...
>>>>> 2012/10/3 Karl Wright <daddy...@gmail.com>:
>>>>>> Hi Maciej,
>>>>>> It sounds like your loop condition must be somehow incorrect.  You may
>>>>>> not receive the full number of documents specified by
>>>>>> getMaxDocumentRequest(), but rather a number less than that.
>>>>>> We have a number of connectors that use document batches > 1, e.g. the
>>>>>> LiveLink connector, so this is likely not the problem.
>>>>>> I'd recommend adding System.out.println() diagnostics to see exactly
>>>>>> what is happening inside both getDocumentVersions() and
>>>>>> processDocuments().
>>>>>> Karl
>>>>>> On Wed, Oct 3, 2012 at 4:30 PM, Maciej Liżewski
>>>>>> <maciej.lizew...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>> I have noticed strange problem with Connector (new one I am developing
>>>>>>> right now) and getMaxDocumentRequest parameter.
>>>>>>> When it returns 1 (default) everything seems ok, but when I set it to
>>>>>>> anything higher (5, 10, 20) indexing job does not end but hangs when
>>>>>>> there is only getMaxDocumentRequest documents left (when it should
>>>>>>> process 5 documents in a row - 5 documents stays "active")
>>>>>>> All document related functions seem written ok (they all iterate
>>>>>>> throug passed arrays), there are no exceptions thrown (at least I do
>>>>>>> not see any in console).
>>>>>>> What can be wrong and what should I look at to? any ideas?
>>>>>>> By the way - the new connector is for Mantis Bug tracker to index 
>>>>>>> issues.
>>>>>>> TIA
>>>>>>> Redguy

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