Hi Karl,

I think that I can follow this student for this task :)

Please let me know what is needed to register me as a mentor, only if for
all of you is ok.


 Il giorno 12/apr/2013 15:58, "Karl Wright" <daddy...@gmail.com> ha scritto:

> Hi fellow PMC members,
> We have a student who is interested in a GSOC project (CONNECTORS-553).
> However, we have no registered GSOC mentors at this time.  We will need
> one, according to Mike McCandless:
> >>>>>>
> Yes, you need a PMC member to mentor (registered with Google, registered
> with Apache) the GSoC student, and you need an appropriate "bite-sized"
> project in ManifoldCF.
> If you don't have a mentor then the student can't do the project ...
> but the student can go find another Apache project that has GSoC
> mentors/projects.
> And all of this must happen before the deadline ... not sure exactly when
> that is but probably only a few weeks from now.
> Mike McCandless
> <<<<<<
> I'm hoping we have someone willing to volunteer?
> Karl

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