Hi Karl,

Thanks for the reply.

> (1) I don't understand what you mean by, "because build.xml in framework is
> currently too long to include class
> paths in lib".  Can you clarify?

Rerated to (5) , manifest-cp configuration is not cool at all. 
If new jars introduced with new feature, manifest-cp-proprietary must be 
tweaked, too.
(i18n properties files also bother us.)

Alternatively, the ant task below is useful.

common-build.xml:  Add artifact-version to dest.
+ <get 

framework/build.xml: New manifest-cp property setting works fine.  

-          <property name="manifest-cp-74" value="${manifest-cp-73} 
-           <property name="manifest-cp-75" value="${manifest-cp-74} 

+        <property name="liblocation" location="../lib" />
+        <path id="lib-jars">
+            <fileset dir="${liblocation}" includes="*.jar"/>
+        </path>
+        <pathconvert property="manifest-cp" refid="lib-jars" targetos="unix" 
pathsep=" ">
+            <map from="${liblocation}" to="../lib"/>
+            <map from="\" to="/"/>
+        </pathconvert>

+        <!-- <property name="manifest-cp" value="${manifest-cp-75}"/> -->

> (2) Some of these suggestions seem to be making distinctions between files
> and directories that I don't understand the reason for. 

1. I came to mind CONNECTORS-345.
2. Currently I have to create scripts in production:
 startup.sh --
    java -jar start.jar
    echo $! > mcf.pid
 shutdown.sh --
    kill cat(mcf.pid) <-- MCF's embedded Jetty example can't call 
agent-shutdown AFAIK but this script isn't cool.
3. start.jar command line options are useful.

4. If we can separate Jetty-lib and mcf-lib, we could deploy Tomcat. Of course 
combined.war can do that though.
I thought additional jars could copy to another directory, and might load these 
using Custom ClassLoader.

5. But If users don't want to config jetty.xml(e.g. thread pool, 
requestHeaderSize and so on in jetty.xml --
I will drop these suggestions.

> (3) I agree with "connector-specific-processes" and "plugins".  But other
> hierarchy additions seem less helpful, such as hiding the examples under
> additional levels of hierarchy.  I think it should be possible immediately
> for a user to see what examples are available.  But maybe we could change
> the names to be clearer.
Yes. Especially I want to change name *-proprietary into something like *-extra 
because "proprietary".length() is long.

BTW, for a few jars(oracle,mysql,alfresco,jcifs,livelink,jtds and other),  to 
create *-proprietary directories is awkward, isn't  it?
I know CONNECTORS-402 intent, but more simplified, can we say that "if you use 
these jars, 
please get source and run ''ant make-deps build"? -- I usually say so, no 
problems occur for now.

> (4) Rather than group together xxx and xxx-proprietary, and yyy and
> yyy-proprietary, it would be more appropriate to have a "proprietary"
> directory and an "open" directory", with xxx and yyy under them.

But I want to know, can we deprecate example and  move example-proprietary to 
I'd like to merge these examples. If proprietary jars exists, MCF just have to 
load from extra-dir.
I assume that we can have extra-lib which is optional, If it exists, MCF will 
load any Jars
found in this directory and use them to resolve connectors specified in 
(Solr has plugin class loader at $SOLR_HOME/lib)

I just simplified directories since other Apache projects look like much 

Shinichiro Abe.

On 2014/09/26, at 3:01, Karl Wright <daddy...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Abe-san,
> Some comments:
> (1) I don't understand what you mean by, "because build.xml in framework is
> currently too long to include class
> paths in lib".  Can you clarify?
> (2) Some of these suggestions seem to be making distinctions between files
> and directories that I don't understand the reason for.  For example: "in
> process-single directory we can
> create lib dir(for jetty jars), lib/ext dir(for logger jars), resource
> dir(for logging.ini) and etc dir(for jetty.xml)."  Why separate jars in
> this way?  They are all necessary at the root level to run the example.  I
> would not understand where to add a new jar with this arrangement because
> the meaning of the directories is unclear.
> (3) I agree with "connector-specific-processes" and "plugins".  But other
> hierarchy additions seem less helpful, such as hiding the examples under
> additional levels of hierarchy.  I think it should be possible immediately
> for a user to see what examples are available.  But maybe we could change
> the names to be clearer.
> (4) Rather than group together xxx and xxx-proprietary, and yyy and
> yyy-proprietary, it would be more appropriate to have a "proprietary"
> directory and an "open" directory", with xxx and yyy under them.
> (5) Putting version numbers on jars is difficult in some cases, especially
> in construction of start.jar, because the ant methods for constructing
> start.jar are poor.  The version of each jar would need to be defined
> globally in the ant build, and included whenever the jar is referenced.
> Karl

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