
Since OpenOffice.org decided to drop development of an Email/Scheduler
application, I have been looking for another program to fill the empty spot. Then I had an idea. Does anyone over at OpenOffice.org use Mozilla
Thunderbird? I don’t have the know-how to do this, but I think it would be
really cool if someone made a theme for Thunderbird that would imitate at least
the look, if not the feel, of OpenOffice.org 2.0. This way people could
identify the OpenOffice.org and Thunderbird applications as tools that
can/should be used to compliment one another, as an alternative to Microsoft
Outlook and the rest of the MS Office applications. Thunderbird extensions
could be written in order to interact and integrate with OpenOffice.org’s
Writer and other apps, if necessary. Additionally, plug-ins or new features
for OpenOffice.org applications could be written, if necessary, to interact and
integrate with Thunderbird. (An OpenOffice.org theme for Mozilla Firefox would
be nice, too.)

I think if both OpenOffice.org and Mozilla "teamed up" to promote/market the use
of each other’s products together, they would convince more people to leave MS
Office/Internet Explorer.

I would be interested to know what you think about this. Thanks,

I think this is already going on, isn't it? I know there's been some collaboration between the two projects.

-- Steven Shelton Twilight Media & Design www.TwilightMD.com www.GLOAMING.us -=-=- Plan to be spontaneous tomorrow. -=-=-

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