On 13 Apr 2005 20:09:26 +0200, Robert Vojta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hallo all,
>   just an idea - WDYT about www.openoffice.org site modification in
>   this way:
>     o www.openoffice.org -> project.openoffice.org
>     o create new, more user friendly, site, something like
>       light-weight propagation site
>   I think you know the sf.net. Try to compare these two sites:
>     a) http://gaim.sourceforge.net/
>     b) http://sourceforge.net/projects/gaim/
>   I think that the www.openoffice.org site is very similiar to the
>   Gaim site b) which is more for developers and experienced users.
>   I discussed this with more people and they agree with me, that the
>   www.openoffice.org site should be modified to be more user
>   friendly.
> --
>  Robert Vojta
>  http://blog.vojta.name/


This has been discussed, and I think some prototypes have already been
put together by some people.

Can't remember who though, atm ... but they looked pretty good.

Jason Faulkner 
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