John McCreesh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:


> No, but as project co-lead this is on my list of responsibilities to
> make sure it gets done. There are pre-requisites too like the splash
> screen / logo design, the website redesign, the new features bit, and
> of course all the stuff from the Strategic Marketing Plan like target
> markets, brand values, etc.

  hmm, but there is page "How to help", section with "Flyer" and there
  is link to one Issue. This Issue contains one DOC file and the
  content has nothing to do with Flyer.

  So, how the normal person can find what's neccessary, who is working
  on these parts, ...

> Based on past experience, it's more productive to get a 'straw man'
> ready first rather than start from a blank page.

  I have to agree with you here, but it's neccessary to know who is on
  working on particular tasks. Why not to use IssueZilla for example?
  Didn't find any info in it about Flyer ...

> Those are the words I like to hear best :-) .  In the meantime, there
> are the pre-requisites to finish like the new features page etc.

  Yes, but you have to think in different way - make a long list of
  needed features, "open source" them and let people work on features
  / things they like to work on. With proper links, status, ...

  I know, things are moving, but they are moving slowly and from my
  point of view, still not enough "open sourced" ...

 Robert Vojta

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