On Wed, 2005-07-06 at 11:54 +0200, Jacqueline Rahemipour wrote:
> Hi *,
> (sorry for crossposting - if you want to answer, please do this only on 
> one of the mailinglists)
> as some of you have interest in our german marketing activities and 
> espacially our fairs I would like to give a short summary from the 
> LinuxTag in Karlsruhe (22.06.-25.06.), where the germanophone project 
> presented OOo.


Thanks for the update. It's good to see such a strong OOo presence -
congratulations to all involved.

I also like the idea of uploading photos of people involved in OOo. One
of our brand values is 'friendliness' - what better way to show this
than photographs showing what friendly people the OOo community are!


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