Hi, that is true, and I think that is why firefox choose something like the Wall
Street Journal for an advertisement. I wonder if OOo wil come together to do
this and aim at mainstream channels.

Quoting Adam Moore <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

Thanks for the info Christian.  My big thing I would like to see is
OpenOffice not only being reviewed in technical articles, but also
being mentioned in the mainstream media outlets.  So really what I
would like to see us come up with is a good press release that doesn't
focus on the new technical aspects of 2.0, but on a more interesting
layman aspect.  In other words provide the angle for these "non
techie" news outlets.   How the little guy OpenOffice is fighting with
the big guy Microsoft Office is one of them.

Maybe better for the pr list so I'll post whatever I come up with there.

Hi Adam, comments in line...

-----Original Message-----
From: Adam Moore <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Jul 9, 2005 9:31 PM
To: dev@marketing.openoffice.org
Subject: [Marketing] Press release and marketing plans for OpenOffice 2.0

I searched through past posts and I couldn't find anything of anybody
working on a press release for OpenOffice 2.0, so please forgive me if
this has already been said.

Christian replies:

I'm sure that the Wall Street Journal will pick up the story of the OOo 2.0 release, because WSJ reporters Lee Gomes and Robert Guth cover open source stories regularly.

So I'm betting that there is going to be tons and tons of media coverage.

Also, I have done an interview with Louis Suarez-Potts that I intend to submit to Adam Doxtater for his consideration in publication on MadPenguin.org. Adam and his community have done a great job of building up MadPenguin.org, and a number of articles on his publication have been picked up by Slashdot, LinuxToday, LXer, OSnews, OSdir, and a couple other publications. The reason that I thought of Louis first is that he has great institutional memory for OOo, and of course knows a great deal about it. He has also had lots of experience dealing with the press on behalf of OOo, and he's very articulate and well-spoken. But most important, I like to do in-person interviews for stuff that I submit to Adam for consideration, and Louis lives right across the San Francisco Bay in Berkeley. Or at least he lived there last week. Now he has moved elsewhere. Of course, there is no guarantee that Adam will run my interview, or that Slashdot or LinuxToday will pick it up. But I'm sure that Slashdot will have at least one front page story on the release, as will most of the other major open source news outlets.

I'm betting that the New York Times will also mention it in their technology section somewhere, as will the LA Times and the San Francisco Chronicle, just to mention the newspapers that I am kinda familiar with.

Adam Moore
Community Volunteer
OOo blog: AdamMooreOOo.blogspot.com

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Alexandro Colorado
Co-Leader of OpenOffice.org Spanish

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