
On Sat, 2005-08-27 at 14:11 -0400, Benjamin Horst wrote:
I think it's a great idea and I've already linked to it from
SolidOffice.com. Making it into a group blog over time could be the
best longterm strategy, and trying to keep it as comprehensive as
possible will give it a great deal of significance and utility to the
community. It can possible even become the center of the universe of
OOo blogs that we were discussing on this list a few weeks ago...

How about an OOo news Wiki? That would make it a bit more versatile.

A wiki would be good, but getting the infrastructure for it seems a bit more difficult to me to organise while testing. I know there are places which run the mediawiki software (like wikipedia uses) for collaborative editing, but getting a place that would be acceptable to everyone here seems a bit of a logistical nightmare without discussions first.

If there is support for it it would be nice.

However I am a bit hesitant to use wiki's for news due to the (probably remote) possibility of vandalism.

It would be something to explore after 2.0 comes out I think. Novell seems to use it for their mono project website, and it seems to work for organising the whole project as such, so there is some precedent and experience in its use for FOSS development.


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