* Articles on using OOo. We have 5 main applications, lots of advanced features, many of which set us appart from the competiton. Surely we can write articles about this.

I don't have issues with people explaining OpenOffice.org via articles
provided that they are (somewhat) correct. It might be good to establish
somekind of review process for these kind of articles, because I have
seen too many articles and even books where people explain OpenOffice.org in an incorrect or at least not optimal way.

I'm not talking about you, but this has happened a few times. Thus, we
might want to establish somekind of review process. Typically those
articles don't have to prepared overnight.

* Success stories, migrations, case studies, etc. This week I'll be installing 15 Linux thin clients running OOo. Someone can interview me about it. Graham works with schools in New Zealand. Someone could interview him. Do a "parthership" with the INGOTs and run a few interviews of Ian to make an article with.

No offense, but this is PR work for INGOT not OpenOffice.org.
Yes OpenOffice.org will most likely benefit, but I don't see
this as "OpenOffice.org PR". Thus, it should be managed outside
of the OpenOffice.org project.

* Articles on the OpenDocument Format (ODF). Anything that supports ODF is by necessity good for OOo. Here are sme ideas:
 - Reports on the state of ISO approval.
 - Reports on the state of aduption by the European Comission.

How much do you know about the EU/EC internals? We should not write
about things without having facts, because otherwise we risk loosing

 - Guides for format internals.
 - Articles on why ODF matters (see my article on Groklaw).
 - When a goverment like Massachusets talks about "open formats", we get
   get a lot of press and discussions. When MA first drew the list of
   allowed open formats, ODF was nowhere in the map. Today it is,
   because Gary, I and PJ had a discussion with Eric Kriss.

In general, with any kind of article or PR work, I think messages
that talk about the larger project should be inline with a pre-defined
partyline or get reviewed. People can comment as regular users, but
if a speficic title or role is attached (or gets attached by the press)
OpenOffice.org project related statements should be in inline with
the overall project messaging.

Best regards,

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