> Well, I'm not a big fan of aggressive marketing :-) ... What I mean is 
> that sometimes people such as teachers simply want to meet among 
> themselves and talk about things that do not concern us. That's why...

I have the same view to an extent, its why I'm not a very good salesman.
I'm too sentimental and not focussed enough on closing deals. I can get
by on the relationships I have in the market, I'm pretty good at
marketing and setting the environment for sales but I'm not good at
sales. Different skills set, attitudes and emotions. Fortunately I don't
have to be if I can buy in that expertise, just as I buy in technical
skills. Its why my next priority is to get some significant capital to
fund a proper sales drive for INGOTs - pay people who are better than I
am at expanding the sales. Professional results orientated people who
don't have my sentimental limitations. It might sound harsh, but if we
really want success we have to compete and the competiton isn't going to
worry about sentiment. Its another reason why INGOTs is not a not for
profit. You can't easily raise capital for expansion for a not for
profit company. Without capital investment you can't market effectively.
Look at the difficulties for Jacqueline and John when they have no


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