Hi Steven, *

thanks for your new proposals! I'm sure they find the consideration they deserve.

Steven Shelton wrote:

Bernhard Dippold wrote:

*** here are the proposals you may vote for (maximum 10 points) ***

I had some others that I posted but somehow my post didn't go through. I think they deserve consideration, too:

"Your company. Your data. Your Office." (A, C, D)

"Compatible with your Office." (A, B, C, D)

"The New Office Suite Standard" (A, D, E)

"Free. In every sense." (A, C, F)

"Today's Office. Tomorrow's Standard." (A, B, D)

"Open Doors. Open Source. OpenOffice.org" (A, C, E)

Last night I found one more starting from your "for business":

" Open. Professional. Social." (A, C, D, G)

For the case someone posts the "one and only" positioner during the next days, I think everybody may change his voting until Sunday night - but I hope we finally can agree on one proposal and don't get out with 40 different ones...

Best regards

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