On Fri, 2005-10-07 at 15:50 +1300, Ian Laurenson wrote:
> On Thu, 2005-10-06 at 19:06 +0100, John McCreesh wrote: 
> > On the point about budgets - if we had a pot of money to spend now, what
> > would you (or anyone else) suggest we spend it on?

Depends on how much.

> In a word advertising:
>  * Television (I don't watch it but I think I am a minority)

Probably too expensive - which country which channel? Even advertising
in one country such as New Zealand would be expensive and only reach a
relatively small population.

>  * Radio
>  * Newspapers
>  * Magazines
>  * Billboards
>  * Picture theatres
> While travelling to and from Koper few of the people that I spoke with
> had even heard of OpenOffice.org yet all of them used Microsoft Word.

MS spend 360 million dollars on MS Office marketing. If we had 360
million would we spend it on advertising. I'd vote for spending a few
10s of millions actually making the code more efficient first.

> Whether we would ever have a budget big enough for television
> advertising I don't know but some how we need to make the masses aware.

So maybe think a bit smaller. If we could pay for active volunteers to
go to any relevant exhibition with up to date CDs to distribute it would
be a lot more realistic as to the amounts of money that are likely to be
ever made available.

Thinking a bit laterally, if you had a small amount of money, investing
it to make a larger amount that would pay for TV advertising - if that
is thought to be the goal - would make some sense. 

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