On Fri, 2005-10-07 at 15:50 +1300, Ian Laurenson wrote:
> As a Marcon a business may approach me about using OOo, but would like
> the level of support/stability that a large organisation can provide,
> and/or the automatic conversion of Excel macros. At this point I have
> become the point of contact for that company. To me it doesn't feel
> very
> professional to now say something like "You need StarOffice here is
> the
> URL". I would prefer to be able to show them some prepared
> documentation
> about the pros and cons of each suite for different situations and to
> be
> able to help them enter into a contract with Sun.

Now I understand - I think that's a perfectly sensible suggestion.
However, I suspect you will find Sun's ability to sell / interest in
selling StarOffice will vary from country to country. If the UK is
anything to go by, they will probably point your prospect to a local VAR
(unless you are talking to a large organisation).


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