Don Parris wrote:

Fox News finally aired some of the e-mail rebuttals to James Prendergast's article "Massachusetts Should Shut Down OpenDocument:,2933,172063,00.html

I didn't recognize the names, and my own e-mail didn't make the cut, but I did keep in touch with Fox News until they published this. My own e-mail did get published on LXer last week, in response to Adelstein's article about Prendergast's affiliation with ATL. I guess it all came out in the wash, so to speak. Anyway, I thought the e-mails published on Fox News were pretty representative of my own points.

What I love is the editor's notes at the end:

"The column _"Massachusetts Should Close Down OpenDocument"_ <,2933,170724,00.html> that appeared on Sept. 28 identified author James Prendergast as executive director of Americans for Technology Leadership, but failed to disclose that Microsoft is a founding member of that organization.

"ATL is a coalition of technology companies, professionals and organizations that advocates for limited government regulation of technology and for competitive market solutions to technology policy. In addition to Microsoft, ATL's founding members include Staples, Inc., CompUSA, Citizens Against Government Waste, CompTIA, Small Business Survival Committee, Clarity Consulting, Cityscape Filmworks, Association for Competitive Technology and 60Plus Association.

"Mr. Prendergast's affiliation with Microsoft should have been stated clearly in the article."

On the other hand, we should have expected him to have an agenda the moment his column appeared. After all, it *is* Fox News....


Steven Shelton
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