Daniel Carrera wrote:

Hello all,

Microsoft has said that they will support OpenDocument in MS Office if there is customer demand for it.

The OpenDocument Fellowship has started a petition for Microsoft to support OpenDocument. To show that there /is/ demand for OpenDocument:


After only one day, the petition has gathered 788 signatures representing 44,425 computers who are asking MS to support OpenDocument:

I saw this on Jean Hollis Weber's blog at O'Reilly and I referenced it in my blog (although I couldn't trackback to it because I couldn't find a trackback URL on her page). This is very cool, although I'm sure Microsoft will say "these aren't signatures from our customers; these are people who have no intention of buying our product." Any excuse, any excuse.

Steven Shelton
Twilight Media & Design
I wonder how much deeper the ocean would be without sponges.

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