Chad Smith wrote:

On 10/21/05, Daniel Carrera <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Steven Shelton wrote:

I saw this on Jean Hollis Weber's blog at O'Reilly and I referenced it
in my blog (although I couldn't trackback to it because I couldn't find
a trackback URL on her page). This is very cool, although I'm sure
Microsoft will say "these aren't signatures from our customers; these
are people who have no intention of buying our product." Any excuse, any
Yeah, I figure they'll say something like that. Or they'll say that the
signatures are all fake, or whatever. But whatever they say will just
make them look silly really.

Um, not really. Did you sign it, Daniel? Is there any power on earth that
will get you to shell out $150 for MS Office? (Since you are a student and a
teacher.) You don't even own Windows or a Mac! You *can't* buy their

MS would be absolutely right to say this petition is pointless. It's just a
publicity stunt by the OpenDocument Foundation or Friends or whatever.


This is a huge waste of time. And it's only going to make ODF look more
desparate for publicity.
Not that I necessarily disagree (totally) with what you're saying, Chad, but having read some of your posts....are you actually responding to these messages on your computer at your office in Redmond or do you use another email address for this list?

(Just kidding. Mostly. No, entirely. Okay, 90%.)

Steven Shelton
Twilight Media & Design
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