Jonathon Blake wrote:

This is a public request that the following individuals give the OOo
project a Christmas present:

i): Jacqueline McNally <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
ii) : Louis Suarez-Potts <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>]

The Christmas present I ask of them

Their _immediate_ resignation from _all_ FLOSS projects that they are
currently involved in.


This crap has gone on long enough. If you want to wage personal little battles with others, do it off-list. I'm tired of wading through 800 messages of third-grade tantrums and name-calling to find the one message actually related to the project. We're all big boys and girls around here and we should be able to handle these kinds of disagreements in a mature manner. Quite frankly, this kind of public whining irritates me more than any of the allegations aimed at either Louis or Jacqueline at this point, even if they were true. (And, to be honest, I couldn't care less if they are or not.)

So grow up, take it off list, and stop spamming me with this crap.

Steven Shelton
Twilight Media & Design

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