Hello Konrad,
your experience is interesting indeed. I know of some unversity in
Poland who advertises FOSS, but I didn't know that the "market" itself
was so reluctant to the idea. The idea of security and caution is an
interesting one however...
Happy New Year,

Konrad wrote:

>On a partially sponsored meeting (only partially, because there is a
>little interest in open software in Polish market, because still,
>although it is 21c. not many bosses know what a computer is and keep it
>at the secretary's desk because it attracts customers' attention. Many
>of the company owners think that a free software is an illegal copy or a
>demo version of some sort :S When I once said "free software" to one, he
>turned purple, then green, then red and responded "no, we have
>everything genuine here". Too bad that many of these bosses also think
>that the software is genuine if they can obtain it on a bazaar) I told
>the guests of my meeting that OpenOffice.org is very safe, because it
>asks for every document's script to run or not, and if somebody is
>suspicious about the script, he can always check the document in any
>text editor, because it's an Open Document compressed in a zip format :)
>They enjoyed the idea. Really.
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