
On 2006-02-03, at 02:31 , John McCreesh wrote:

On Thu, 2006-02-02 at 08:39 +0100, Finn Gruwier Larsen wrote:
SourceForge has more than 200 projects in the category "Project
Management". I'll try to dive a step deeper into it.

Where could this thing be hosted? CollabNet?

As it stands, I guess no, but the wiki proved that if enough of the
community makes enough noise and makes a good enough case then even
Collabnet will respond eventually.

Let's find the best solution and then look at where to run it.

Uhm. I think we have to be a little more precise here.... CollabNet is paid by Sun to do hosting for OOo. The limits of CollabNet's work are to a great degree drawn by Sun's investment. So, not sure what John is referring to here....

But more to the point, I'm losing sight of what it is we are talking about. The point of this is to do what, exactly? :-)




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