Cristian Driga wrote:
Disrupting threads aiming at solving things is the most impolite thing I've ever seen since I joined OOo 4 years ago.

And it happened from you to my threads here and on discuss@ and on art@ several times when I posted a call for action that was trying to get people that were willing to help to enroll in something in the last year and a half.
[big snip]

Cristian, I'm very sorry that you feel that way. You do a lot of great work for the community and I don't want to make that more difficult for you. For what its worth, my first few emails were trying to say that the wiki should the be at the centre of the site, and not a place to do drafts. I thought that was constructive. When I mentioned the Cathedral, it was in response to a previous email on that topic, I didn't just throw it in. Then Louis responded with a somewhat strongly worded email and that's when the thread took a life of its own. I can't control the direction of a thread, and I didn't try to throw it off track.

To go back to the topic, I think that you're doing well in trying to use the wiki more. I suggest that it not be used for drafting only, but also as a place where people find the "finished" product. In other words, I think that it would be good to move as many pages as possible into the wiki. Especially the ones that need to be updated often. The more often a page needs to be updated, the more it should be on a wiki.

   \/_/    I am not over-weight, I am under-tall.

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