Chad Smith schreef:

On 2/6/06, Steven Pauwels <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Dear Chad,

You are hurting my feelings :) I am al about fun :)

Easter eggs simply are *not fun at all* and if you disagree with an
issue, try to keep your remarks directed to the issue, don't get personal.

All this anger :) focus it on the marketing wiki where you started a
good job!

Steven P.

I didn't feel like my last email had anger in it.  If there were anger, I
wouldn't have said "gosh".  People are using some pretty big guns to try to
remove a tic-tac-toe game and a space invaders game and a picture of the
Star Development Team.  "It's like Big Brother" - "Think of the CHILDREN!"
"That is like SOOOOoooooo unprofessional!" etc.  These are some pretty big
claims against a couple games.

As for Ian's claim about the schools - Do these schools remove all games
from their computers?  Do their Windows machines come without Solitaire and
Free Cell and Hearts?  Do their Macs come without Marble Blast and
Nanosaur?  Do their Linux machines come without Potatoe Head Man, Tux Racer,
and YASC?  Do they come without the Internet?  Do they come without IM
clients?  Do they come without the billion or so other distractions that
computers have built in?  What about Draw?  Don't you think being able to
make pictures on a computer screen is distracting?  I mean, look at how much
fun Tux Paint is.  Draw can be fun like that with enough imagination.
Should we remove that too?

You may claim that "an office sutie shouldn't add to the problem."  And I
can see your point there - but I seriously doubt that removing these 2 games
would improve the educational status of any student or school system.

And Scott, I do, again, disagree with you, Easter Eggs are fun.  In fact,
that's the basis of Ian's arguement *against* easter eggs.  That they are so
much fun they'll distract students from learning.

Even if you did remove the internet, gave students no rights to install
anything, removed all games and game-like programs from the hard drive, and
removed all easter eggs - kids would still not pay attention if they didn't
want to.

You can play tic-tac-toe in any text editor

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0|  |X

0|  |X

0|  |X

0|  |X

0|  |X

0|  |X

(Obviously, at this point, it's a cat game)

The point is - kids will invent distractions.  Having a book to prop up in
front of your face as you lay your head down on the desk, with a pencil in
one hand like you are taking notes, or having a computer monitor between you
and the teacher - either way, kids are going to daydream, pass notes, play
games, sleep, and surf the web in school.  Easter eggs or no easter eggs.

- Chad Smith
Because everyone loves free software!

Now I see,

We should not bother because it won't do any good. :) So adding to the problem is not a problem because it is there allready? Hmmm I will have to keep that in mind if I find drugs in one of my sons stuff... I should not forget to present it to the others, or give hem some more... hence the problem allready exists...

You are great in using only the bits of text that give you a way to make fun of the arguments that do not agree with your point of view...

IF you would be able to keep to the fundamentals of the discussion, Chad, I would try to explain our point of view, but it is clear that you simply want everyone to say that you are right. :)

You are not right :) your arguments do not even touch the reason why this discussion has started.

Take this criticism as a man, Chad, and add to the value of OOo, by supporting to change what we CAN change.

Steven P.

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