Hi Florian,

Florian Doche wrote:

I'm responsible for the poststudies in computing at the University of
Applied Sciences (Haute Ecole Valaisanne - HEVs) and want to organize
an event to introduce MS Office 12 and OpenOffice for SMI's in the
french speaking part of Switzerland.

Our goal is to demonstrate how to solve concrete cases with these two
tools, and to organize a debate between two speakers, one from
Microsoft and one from Sun regarding these two products.

You should ask Sun Switzerland directly if it's somebody from Sun you would like to invite. If you need somebody from the OOo community, the fr.openoffice.org project is the one to contact :)

As you understood, I'd like to be in contact with a person in charge
of OpenOffice Switzerland, so I could see if there is in interest for
this kind of event.

As said above, the dev@fr.openoffice.org mailing list is where we organize such events and communications. We'll be pleased to discuss this further with you.

Kind regards

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