On Fri, 2006-03-03 at 20:04 +0000, John McCreesh wrote:
> On Thu, 2006-03-02 at 12:44 -0500, Jeffrey G. Causey, CPA wrote:
> > Hi All,
> > 
> > Ran across another article:
> > 
> > http://www.eweek.com/article2/0,1895,1933229,00.asp?kc=ewnws030206dtx1k0000599
> > 
> > This one is about the challenges firms/users will face in deciding whether 
> > to 
> > upgrade to Office 2007, switch to an alternative, or do nothing.  The focus 
> > is on the issues of file compatability and the new user interface that 
> > Office 
> > 2007 will introduce.  
> Thansk for the link - it's a good article. I did a piece in my blog
> http://jpmcc.blogdns.org/index.php/2006/03/02/your-office-or-mine/ about
> this. Microsoft are not infallible - we should look forward to the
> challenge.
> >From what I've seen of the early MS marketing, they seem to be stressing
> very strongly the number of templates, wizards, etc that they will be
> supplying. This will enable them to claim that you don't need to know
> MS-O2007 to produce professional results. They also know it's an area
> where OOo is weak.
> Fortunately, it's one area where our userbase could help by contributing
> masses of templates. They would need to be QA'd and possibly translated
> (there's nothing worse than a template which superficially looks ok but
> which completely ignores stylesheets etc :-) 
> What do folks think?

Maybe start a "donate a template" campaign?

Ian Lynch

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