On 3/8/06, Jean Hollis Weber <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Please (a) tell me the answer, and (b) add something to the page
> to make it unambiguous.


incl. JRE means the download includes the JRE - therefore, if you do not
have the JRE - this is the one you choose.

Without JRE means the download is without a JRE - therefore, if you already
have (or do not want) the JRE - this is the one you choose.

Maybe we could change it to be:

Windows (JRE included)


Windows (with JRE)
Windows (without JRE)

or would we still run into the same problem?  Anytime you say something as
short as possible - you leave yourself open for misunderstanding, especially
when you get in to implied negatives, double negatives, many ways to look at
it, etc.  No?

- Chad Smith
Because everyone loves free software!

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