
I would like to announce a new co-lead of the Marketing Project,
Cristian Driga. As one of the most active contributors I'm sure you will
agree that Cristian needs little or no introduction.

Cristian is the Project Lead of the Romanian Native-Language Project and
Marketing Contact (MarCon) for Romania. In addition, he has contributed
greatly to many OpenOffice.org marketing activities including the
development of the market surveys, polls and voting mechanisms, and was
the founder of the Art Project together with Vitor.

More recently, Cristian has been very active in encouraging and
implementing the use of the OpenOffice.org wiki for use by the Marketing
Project. I am very enthusiastic about Cristian's why.openoffice.org
initiative and the activity that both he and John have promoted these
last couple of weeks.

The leadership structure remains in place as John and I will continue as
the project co-lead and lead respectively with regard to project lead
votes. That is, I am the primary voter and John is my deputy.

Initially, so that Cristian and John can focus on generating interest
and producing why.openoffice.org, I will continue to carry out the
project administration. For example, responding to requests to join the
project and queries from within and outside our project. Cristian will
join John and I in planning and project management.

Please welcome Cristian to his new role.

Jacqueline McNally
Lead, OpenOffice.org Marketing Project
OOoCon2006 in Lyon (http://marketing.openoffice.org/conference/)

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