On Sat, 2006-04-29 at 11:15 +0200, charles-h.schulz wrote:
> Hello,
> the get legal campaign is a very good idea. Maybe a small PR
> operation would help it rise up in the media, who knows. 
> As for the risk that we may encounter due to the potential
> "agressive" nature of the message, I think we might actually
> tone it down by... toning ourselves up. 
> That is, we could use irony. When I read John's page I think I
> see where he wants to go, and I have a suggesstion for this:
> let's say that we actually stand behind the BSA (yes, yes) in
> its fight against software piracy. In fact, we stand so much
> behind the BSA that we want people to purchase original copies
> of MS Office, and the ones who can't, or don't want to buy
> them should use OOo. 

There is a phrase "tongue in cheek" - like my earlier reply to Daniel
was "tongue in cheek"...

This works for people who are "in the know", e.g. open-source people who
appreciate the irony. We could use this in a PR to Newsforge or LWN for
example. However, the humour is wasted on people whose knowledge of
computing currently stops at Microsoft.

> I hope I explained myself clearly because I reckon this is a
> pretty strange idea. But a similar thing happened in France
> where the FOSS movement expressed its solidarity and agreement
> with a law that was forcing the IT retailes to clearly
> indicate the certified origin -and the price- of the
> preinstalled OS of the computers they were selling. The goal
> was to let consumers know how much they were paying for Windows...



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