Dear Sirs,


as we know you offer your product OpenOffice also for U3.

U3 just start at the German market and we plan to build a German website and
maybe a forum for German users.

On this website we also like to present - and if you agree to offer for DL -
software for the U3 system.


So please let us know if you're interested to offer your product at the
German market and allow us

to present your software at our U3 website.

Also it would also be nice to get a link from you for download, a mirror on
our German servers would be no problem

if you like to use.


Best Regards,


Andre Bergmann

IT Bergmann

Heusnerstr. 19

42283 Wuppertal


Tel. 0202 / 2701100

Fax 0202 / 2701102

Mobil 0176 / 23308916


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