Hi Cor,
My apologies for not replying sooner...

On 2006-05-17, at 19:12 , Cor Nouws wrote:

Hi again,

As written before, last evening we had a small booth at the Free Software Bazaar during SANE in Delft, The Netherlands. Since most of the people, were FLOSSers already, userbase of OOo was about 90% (estimate). Nevertheless, Freek de Kruijf, Arend van Beelen, Simon Brouwer (OpenLanguage) and I had a good evening.

Excellent! And thanks for doing this and thanks to the great Nederlands team!

If there is a photo of you handing out flyers, that'd be nice to feature, if not on the homepage, then perhaps on the Why? page?

Also, having accounts of the effort we are making here can quite often help: it motivates others :-)

I printed small flyers of the Get legal-picture with explanation (see links below). We went to people asking "We want to help Microsoft, will you help us? ..." :-) Most people could realy see the humor of it, and many will place the button on their web or blog.


Works excelent (at least for this audience.)

No doubt... and it will for others, too, as it is a great campaign.




Cor Nouws wrote:

Hi all,
Tomorrow we will have a small booth at a Free Software Bazaar.
I'll print some flyers for the Get Legal campaign. Just to hand over to the public, leave on the tables ...
An example of the Dutch graphic can be found here:
This is the English version:
And this the .odg-file

Cor Nouws
>> http://nl.openoffice.org/waarom <<
>>         www.bsooo.nl            <<
>>      Open - For business        <<

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