Have we ever done this? Yes and no.

We once got an offer from a Munich-based newspaper with a circulation
of 800,000 copies. Since they are/were using OpenOffice.org themselves,
they wanted to give something back by printing ads for free in cases
where they have free ad space.

I created a few ads in different formats and over a few moths the ads
got printed a few times.


Benjamin Horst wrote:
This suggestion came in from someone following the OOo ads project. Sounds like a great idea! Have we ever done anything like this?


Begin forwarded message:

From: Matthijs Dierckx - Het Redactielokaal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: July 20, 2006 7:43:56 AM EDT
Subject: Suggestion

Hi there,

Just a thought: I work in the magazine publishing business and we
often receive cd-roms with ads for NGO's. We use them in situations
when an advertisement is cancelled 1 minute before going to print.
Here in The Netherlands all non-profit organisations send such cd's to
any major publishing house and see their ads appear on a quite regular
basis. I don't know if this goes for other countries as well, but you
could give it a try.

Produce several high resolution versions of your ad, in as many
formats as you can think of and off you go.

Matthijs Dierckx

--het Redactielokaal
t. 020 42 876 88
f. 020 42 876 93


Postbus 15408

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