Hi, all.
I'd like to correct some sentence of the NEWS.

OSS desktop feasibility test conducted successfully with 4 local
governments in Japan.

The Information-technology Promotion Agency (IPA), Tokyo, Japan
published a report on a feasibility test of Open Source Software (OSS)
desktop system installation to local government offices on July 27th.
The IPA is a subsidiary organization of the Ministry of Economy, Trade
and Industry and has planed to proliferate OSS desktop systems among
local governments.  The test was conducted from November 2005 to March
2006 aiming at clarifying issues of migration to OSS and its user
support.  The IPA stated "The test has confirmed that an OSS desktop
system is satisfactory for a practical work in a local government
office." in the press release.

The test has successfully evaluated the efficiency of OSS desktop
systems by installing them for approximately 400 workers of four local
government offices and by letting them be used for real tasks through
the test period.  The test has confirmed that open source based
fundamental software applications such as a word-processor, spreadsheet,
and web browser, as well as operating systems are capable of a practical
business use.  Besides, several experiments - OSS-based central PC
management, OSS-based video teleconference system,and interconnecting
OSS desktop systems to legacy systems.- were also conducted at the same

Ninomiya-machi town office in Tochigi prefecture, one of the four 
local governments participated in the test, entirely switched 139
Windows PCs with Microsoft Office for daily work to Novell Desktop
Linux PCs with OpenOffice.org on February 2006.  Ninomiya-machi is a
small town with 17,000 population located north of near Tokyo.
Ninomiya-machi is well known as a top production town of strawberry in
Japan.  Like many local governments in Japan, Ninomiya-machi has faced a
budget deficit for years and consequently reducing costs including IT
related expenses has been becoming a big concern.  Unlike other towns,
an IT manager of Ninomiya-machi is good at Linux.  For the reasons,
Ninomiya-machi applied to the feasibility test.

The town office of Ninomiya-machi has 150 public workers.  Most of them
are a beginners of computer.  To avoid their confusion at the migration,
the installation vendor provided all workers with training courses on
both Linux and OpenOffice.org.  Not a few software applications were not
available on Linux PCs  To have an access to such software applications,
every small group of workers was given one Windows PC that could be
remotely used from their individual Linux PC via VNC. The only person in
the group, could use it at a time.

Once the migration was taken a place, the help desk got many inquiries
from users about how to use their computer even though they had been
given training.  Since half of the inquiries had been related to
OpenOffice.org, the Japanese OOo community started to support the help
desk through a project's Q&A web site http://oooug.jp/faq/ .  With this
continuous support, the town office of Ninomiya-machi in Japan has
successfully migrated from Microsoft Windows and Office to Linux and

Akihiko Hashimoto, researcher in the IPA, speaks "The feasibility test
has proven that an OSS desktop system is satisfactory for a practical
work in a local government office."  On the other hand, many issues
have been found.  The biggest issue is of interoperability between
Microsoft Office document files and OpenOfficeorg ones.  The town office
has to exchange Microsoft Office document files among its neighbors.
However, the workers in the town office of Ninomiya-machi now use
OpenOffice.org instead of Microsoft Office and consequently they have
to take care of two types of document files at the same time.

To try to solve such issues, the IPA will conduct a feasibility test
again in this fiscal year and concurrently start to study requirements
of OpenOffice.org for Japanese users.

The Information-technology Promotion Agency (IPA)

Ninomiya-machi, Tochigi, Japan

Q&A web site of Japanese OOo community

Yutaka Kachi

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