G. Roderick Singleton wrote:
Hi; I had a major problem converting my old WordPerfect document of about 33 pages to PDF. In desperation I downloaded OpenOffice. For some years I had been advising others to get it but I was fairly happy with WordPerfect. No longer so.

I am VERY impressed with your OpenOffice suite and thank you for it.

On my  website I'll be mentioning it.

THIS question should, imho, be added to the FAQ:

Question: My computer is running low on disk space; do I have to download and install the whole, huge suite? All I want is a new Word Processor so I won't have to buy "Microsoft Office" nor "WordPerfect."

Answer: (ASSUMING I AM CORRECT!) Yes and no. You do have to download the whole huge 90+Mb file but when installing it you will have the option as to which of the 6 "Components" you want. In your case, you would install only the "Writer" component. When done, you can delete the huge file which you downloaded. The installation of the "Writer" will take only XXXXX??? of space on your Hard Drive.

Funny you should mention this when http://documentation.openoffice.org/faqs/installation/003.html
has existed for at least the past five years, if not more. We, at the
documentation project, are working to consolidate the faqs on the wiki.
However this is a mammoth task and is taking time. If you would care to
join us in this effort, your help would be most welcome.

Geez, that was a bit harsh of a response, don't you think?

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