> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> Date: Wed, 25 Oct 2006 07:05:54 +0530
> Subject: [moderated] ...... OpenOffice.org 2.0.4 not with Windows 98 SE
> Kindly confirm if  the new OpenOffice.org 2.0.4 can't be used with 
> Windows 98 SE.

I used OpenOffice.org 2.0.4 with Win 98 SE - you should have no 
problems.  Performance will depend on the specification of your PC, of 

> Inform where & how I can get a CD of OpenOffice.Internet is tooo slow & 
> unreliable here, we can'y install so large files , any help ?

There is a list of CD ROM distributors in India at


> Prasenjit Bhakat,
> Secretary,
> Consumer Guidance Center,
> 313/8,Ghoradhara,P.O.Jhargram,
> W.B. 721507, India.
> Fax+Ph:00-91-3221-256084

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