
Per Eriksson wrote:

I actually think that people using the net often generally have a good
idea of what's free and what's not. I think there are a lot of people
who always use their computer for a specific purpose, who might be very
experienced users - but who simply don't like to roam the streets of the

I therefore think that offline advertisements will find more people who
have never heard of OpenOffice.org.


John McCreesh skrev:

There is a possibility of getting some funding to promote OOo. The funds
must be spent this quarter and should be spent on things like ads, etc.,
in IT online media, though we could also spend them on print.  Some
funds could conceivably be spent via the Community Council on things
event collateral, such as brochures.

What would be the most effective way to spend the money? Answers as soon
as possible please.

What I would suggest:
- a website with an apealing domein name,
- short, modern message about freedom, saving money, modern technology
- short adds (radio, papers, www) to get people there.

But I've no idea of course if the available funds can make this happen.



Cor Nouws
Arnhem - Netherlands
nl.OpenOffice.org - marketing contact

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