
i am not sure if it's a useful idea but i thought about a new section in the wiki (or somewhere else) where users, especially professional users like ISV's or companies who use OO.org or built some solutions based on OO.org can provide some kind of success story. An interesting story about the support from the community (or even from professionals who offer support), a story about their solution they have build with or based on OO.org, .... The benefit for the project would be that we get an overview who is using our office and especially who did a little bit more with it and adapt it that way that it fits best in existing business workflows etc. Good stories would show that we are more than an office suite and hopefully would convince others to try it out.

Just an initial idea that have to be made concrete. Important would be that it is authentic and comes from the user/ISV/company directly. A little and cheap contribution for a powerful and free office suite ;-)


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