Hello Cor,

it looks like my proposal wasn't successful. Nonetheless, I think this
slogan "latest office for free! Genuine? Goto, etc." makes us look cheap.
I'd push my "own" "We enable participation. See how. OpenOffice.org"


Cor Nouws a écrit :
> Benjamin Horst wrote:
>> On Wednesday, August 29, 2007, at 12:42PM, "Alexandro Colorado"
>> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> On Wed, 29 Aug 2007 09:44:23 -0500, Erwin Tenhumberg
>>> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> OK. So now we are here:
> A) Target
> - Business
> - Students/teachers
> - Facebook
> B) Slogan
> "Latest office for free! Genuine? goto www. ... "
> C) Link
> Separate page, with just few words, such as:
> * Repeat slogan
> * OOo is Free, Cool (modern), Great software for text, presentations,
> spreadsheets, databases, drawing.
> * You can have a new release four times a year for free - not one
> every four years for a lot of money.
> * For more info, go here / For download, go here
> To do:
> AD A
> Which on-line magazines?
> AD B
> Ideas for design?
> AD C
> Better wording, nice graphic, first design?
> Regards,

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