Hi everyone,

(Forgive my lack of understanding of the proper method of quoting posts)
Quoting Louis;

> I don't like negative advertising, though it works. I don't like OOo  
> officially bashing MS though that would work, too, I'm sure. But I  
> think there is no need. We can represent OOo's virtues, including the  
> ODF, positively and intelligently in comparison to OOXML's and it's  
> implementations quite without bashing. But I think for this present  
> campaign, which  is for this quarter (ends with September) we need to  
> focus on fall things. Then we can start the other projects. So let's  
> focus! And if part of our message is that with OOo one can easily  
> trade documents and not worry about vendor lockin... well :-)

I've made an early promo-poster proposal and attached it to the issue 81369
and it can also be found on my OOo-dedicated site;

(or http://overkill.hyperphp.com/e_upgrad.php for MSIE users)

I know this isn't the arts mailing list, I just wanted to throw in my two cents 
Louis' comment above and emails that have followed after it. I agree 
with Louis and I think we can promote OOo on it's own virtues rather than having
to rely on MS-bashing. I joined OOo thinking it was a community of people who
were Pro-OSS, not just another anti-Microsoft act. OOo is good enough that we 
need to resort to trash-talking or MS-bashing, please don't give a wave of 
new-members the wrong impression of what we're all about.

Hope you all like the Poster (it's a bit chunky at half a meg, but it's 
scalable past A3).
Also let me know what's wrong with it so I can fix it as required.


----- Original Message ----
From: Louis Suarez-Potts <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: dev@marketing.openoffice.org
Sent: Friday, 7 September, 2007 1:16:00 PM
Subject: Re: [Marketing]  Re: Upcoming marketing campaign: Targets and design

On 2007-09-06, at 04:10 , Alan Lord wrote:

> Louis Suarez-Potts wrote:
>> No reason not to focus on specific regions, especially if we are  
>> building for future grass-roots efforts. So, let's do it, and if  
>> it doesn't work for this particular quarter, we can likely use it  
>> some other time. I think we really need to act, especially now.
>> Best
>> Louis
> Forgive my intrusion and apologies if this is just noise...
> It seems to me after the recent M$ OOXML debarcle, there is a REAL  
> opportunity before next February/March to push the ISO ODF format's  
> benefits.

Totally agree: one reason we are pushing this *now*.

> There is now TONs of stuff on-line demonstrating just how BAD OOXML  
> really is. (See here: for lots of links to dirt on ooxml http:// 
> www.theopensourcerer.com/?s=ooxml%2C+microsoft)
> Some concise documentation sent to all interested parties would be  
> very useful so we can all do some reverse FUD. My gut feeling is M$  
> will get their spec passed next spring, but there are some BIG  
> issues for them to surmount so it may still fail. Like France and  
> New Zealand's comments of combining the two standards into one  
> (Which I fail to see M$ entertaining somehow...)
> I run a small consulting/training company in the UK that focusses  
> on promoting OSS to the SME.
> I also talk (via email) to MPs when something gets me annoyed, like  
> OOXML, or the fact that M$ sells our schools very expensive,  
> subscription based, licences for software that they could never  
> possibly use... -(

I don't like negative advertising, though it works. I don't like OOo  
officially bashing MS though that would work, too, I'm sure. But I  
think there is no need. We can represent OOo's virtues, including the  
ODF, positively and intelligently in comparison to OOXML's and it's  
implementations quite without bashing. But I think for this present  
campaign, which  is for this quarter (ends with September) we need to  
focus on fall things. Then we can start the other projects. So let's  
focus! And if part of our message is that with OOo one can easily  
trade documents and not worry about vendor lockin... well :-)

> Alan Lord

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