On Tue, 2007-12-04 at 06:55 +1300, Graham Lauder wrote:
> On Tuesday 04 December 2007 00:28:21 John McCreesh wrote:
> >
> > Usual marketing type questions then:
> >
> > - What unique benefits does OOo provide to this market?
> Cost,  interoperability, features (PDF export being one significant 
> difference ) 

- Cost of OOo = 0; cost of pirate copy of MS-O = 0
- Interoperability: most of the files they will be exchanging will be in
  formats, so why is OOo better than MS-O?
- Features: pdf export yes, but is it enough? how often do you need it?

> > - Is there something about this market that means we can target
> >   it accurately and cost effectively?
> Tight demographic, Fixed location, media savvy and non-cynical

Fixed location is good (fly posters on campus walls are cheap :-) and
campus ambassadors can cover the territory in person) - but I'm not
convinced about your other factors

> > - Are people in the target market likely to adopt / change to OOo?
> Arguably more likely than any other group

Why? they probably already have a copy of MS-O on the laptop their
parents bought them ... so why waste good drinking / party time on geeky
activities like downloading office software when what you've got is good

> > - Can growing our users in this market provide benefits back to OOo?
> Perhaps not immediately, but certainly in the future.  we are dealing with 
> future movers and shakers and from this group will also come future 
> developers

This has certainly been the traditional view of the IT industry.

OK, so I'm playing devil's advocate here, but for this to be effective
with our available resources it has to be really focused. I think you're
on to something; let's see if we can get all the experience on this list
to turn it into something really powerful...

John McCreesh
Marketing Project Lead

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