Telephone conference, August 25th 2008: 15:00 - 15:30

Participants: Rafael Ebron - Marketing lead Mozilla Messaging
              Cor Nouws - Markting project
              Alexandro Colorado - Markting project
              Kay Koll - Host and Markting project

Subject: Thunderbird+Lightning and cross promotion

This minutes based on Cor's and my notes. Feel free to report any inaccuracies.

Introduction by Kay why it is important to do a cross promotion.
Users expecting a Mail/Calendaring solution as part of an Office suite because of the Outlook client within the Microsoft Office suite. The idea is to have at least have a recommendation: have a look on Mozilla, that offers functionality you are looking for.
No plans for a bundling yet, it requires (deeper discussing)
There are too many pro and cons. It help unexperienced users only, experienced might hate this

Rafael asked for OO.o web statistic
Kay provided following for July 2008
  * 33M page hits of
  * 11.6 M downloads in July
  * 40K filled out the survey
Cour provided the numbers for the Netherlands
  * Daily downloads: 2500-3500
Rafael asked for the OO.o schedule
Kay: Launch currently scheduled for September 16th. There might be delays because of testing, translation
Rafael was happy with proposal now but just needs implementation time.
* what spots are needed? logo's language
* He can send info downloads in separate mail
* Thunderbird 3 roadmap
  * beta 1 in September
  * beta 2 in October
  * final January
Thunderbird 3 will integrate Lightning the project name Lightning may disappear
They are revamping Mozilla TB website until TB3 Beta 2, end of October

Kay: We have to use the Thunderbird release which is available in Sept. which is TB + Lightning 0.9. No integrated setup available of TB +Lightning. Provided in two separate downloads

Kay: We have identify the best locations on OO.o for a promotion
* Product Page
* Download Page (Needs to be discussed but the importance had decreased due to automatic download)

Rafael suggested to add a pointer to the 'Thanks for downloading page'

Rafael could add OO.o promotion on the Thunderbird page.

Rafael are they plans to be present on trade shows and conferences?
Kay: Yes, but it depends of the local marketing projects

Rafael: Mozilla could provide marketing material and collateral
Mozilla Europe communities may translate for various countries
and for Chinese version they could ask the Chinese organization
Marketing related work
* used to do that with Mozilla Europe but it is a separate organisation now
-> We need to ask John McCreesh for a room for Thunderbird collateral on the Marketing page.

Kay: Next steps
* We have define what we need and what we want
* Specification of : links, language, artwork

Action Items:
Kay Koll:  Specifying the material planned for the promotion

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