The SEC reports on applications show that has around 10% of security flaws compared to MS Office. I do wonder if this is true or the SEC dont take account other issues.

On Tue, 11 Aug 2009 07:17:28 -0500, Malte Timmermann <> wrote:


some people already commented on this while I was on vacation, and
especially Thorsten Behrens already made clear that OOo is not free from
such issues.

OOo was already quite often affected by file format issues, see

And it's not only about binary documents, as you can see in


Alexandro Colorado wrote, On 07/27/09 11:28:
On Mon, Jul 27, 2009 at 11:22 AM, Lars Nooden<> wrote:
MS Office is beyond repair:

A stop-gap measure even for M$ shops would be to install OOo along side,
quickly, and use that whenever possible.


yes this is very important, I would propose structuring a PR campaign
in favor of office suite security.
Something like...

Are your documents in danger? Using insecure software might harm your
document, your information and your assets.

I would also list the very very broken history of Microsoft Office
security issues. M$O is full of security issues through the years and
also going into analysing how M$O vulnerability can harm your
documents. Simply having an embedded application with the OS causes
spywares to cross from the internet to the office suite. Get hit on IE
and you get hit on Office too.

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Alexandro Colorado
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