Ciao, Italo,

On 2009-11-09, at 14:22 , Italo Vignoli wrote:

Louis Suarez-Potts ha scritto:

I have asked the members of the CC to clarify our--OOo's-- relation to oomouse. Theo is free to include in the product and free to ask for supportive quotes and free to use both (after, I hope, submission for review), but not free to make claims that mislead. Nor is he free to manipulate our logo and marks as he sees fit.

I have received a number of enquiries from the Italian press, mostly because they have seen the article on Slashdot. To clarify the issue, I have prepared a statement that says that the author was allowed to present at the OOo Conference and prepare a prototype for this purpose, but then has gone beyond this issuing a press release with statements that do not reflect the real situation.

By the way, I have had the mouse in my hand for a few seconds, and I don't think that a "normal" appendix (i.e., the usual five fingers) can handle the rodent efficiently. Also, in order to remember the zillions of theoretical combinations you would need a RAM upgrade, in order to avoid a buffer overflow ;-)

Thanks. I would like for us, first, to be in agreement, and have sent the copy to the CC members offlist, for their input, prior to making it public. I expect some changes. Theo of OOMouse (which has to change its name) has agree, too, to help out with the statement to the press.

The press must be notified and I hope to do that in full agreement from the project today. (El Reg got it... sigh). John has stepped out but when he returns, shortly, we can talk and I hope come to a swift agreement. Again, no one is being blamed for this series of mistakes, but for that very reason, I would expect immediate action on the part of War Mouse to rectify what I persist in believing are honest mistakes.

Ciao, Italo

Italo Vignoli
tel +39.348.5653829
SIP: +39.02.320621813
skype italovignoli


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