John McCreesh wrote:
> "...until now, most people have tended to dismiss the open source office
> project as a distant runner-up to Microsoft Office, and certainly not a
> serious contender. Microsoft obviously feels otherwise, which means that
> is clearly doing something right."

A noteworthy requirement of this position is "engaging with Open Source
communities and organizations".   So our community must have a better
way to deal with shills and manipulated individuals.  The abuse that
Ubuntu has been getting, via mono 'volunteers', is one example.

Along the same lines, the same movement is sponsoring student shills to
hit conferences:

So between the two articles, the conclusion is that any promotion of M$
technologies tags the defender as either a shill or collaborator.

OOo hits M$ in one of its three money makers: the monopoly on office
formats.  If we could make inroads into the second area, the monopoly on
OEMs, that would be a real coupe.


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