On Wed, Jan 13, 2010 at 6:15 AM, Lars Nooden <larsnoo...@openoffice.org> wrote:
Christine Louise Beems wrote:
I suspected that an MS-employee had seeded this 'complaint' before I
read Leif's synopsis of what had transpired.

That was my first impression as well.  It's also my second and
subsequent impressions, having given it some thought over the last few days.

I would guess that if you scratch the surface, you will find a rat of
some kind underneath, based on what I've seen around Europe first hand,
what I've heard of second hand and what I've followed through
OpenDocument Format discussions around the world.

The attack, though almost certainly instigated by Microsoft activists,
is carried out not by Microsofters directly nor by the rat (or as they
say, 'fox'[1]) directly either but by proxies and probably intended to
try to create a conflict where none exists and, almost certainly, to
waste time.

<digression>If time must be wasted, then bring in others who are not
directly needed for the OOo deployment and have them respond.  But don't
respond to the proxies, but to the source of the problem instead if the
agent provacteur cannot be readily collared.  One response would be to
look at the book keeping or other practices.  Bring in some white collar
crime experts.  Deployment of Microsoft products usually indicates other
'irregularities', low hanging fruit would include illegal tenders and
misappropriation of funds.  I did a lot of reading in white collar crime
and even consulted some experts.  One characteristic is that when one
person gets away with something that person tends to try to get away
with more.  Eventually more people are involved either by invitation or
coercion or as copycats.  However, do that Danish-style.</digression>

Going forward means figuring out how to facilitate OOo deployment, not
letting Microsofters draw the debate into *anything* else.  So any
solution should avoid conflict or even criticism of the proxies and not
go on the defensive.

Alexandro's proposal would be one possible solution that addresses the
attack while still going forward:

Alexandro Colorado wrote:
At the same time, this could be a great "seed" project to certify the
students and teachers in OOo for a simbolic ammount that will also
help finalize the efforts on certification that we are already
working at. So far there has been some interest in Spain to
participate in an early version of the certification and apply it to
their training programs for the municipalities.

Well I think that this is a great opportunity to offer services and enhance the 
BizDev project into opportunities that allow this kind of situations to not be 
recurrent. We know that OOo and FLOSS doesn't always have a straightforward way 
to provide services. This however could change by somehow of partnership 
program where OOo associates can engage into solution based projects/services. 
We already launched this in OOoES for over a year and have gather a good 
network of professionals around it.

I am very involved with migrators in OOo ES and have developed a framework to interact with the usual scenario of lack of sensibility, however if there most be a straight forward way to provide support like online training, documentation, migration kits and sustainable manner, the complains will considerably find themselves with very weak case.
On the side this could be a way to enhance the presence of OOo as a way to 
create businesses. I would love to hear from OOo businesses in Denmark like:
Xcompetence A/S
BlueTel Data Aps

And have somehow of deal where OOo can develop an exchange with this companies 
and at the same time assist their local educational needs.


[1]     "Find and Lean on your insider friend, ‘the fox’. Having
       a trusted MSfriend in the account is critical. Some
       people (unix Bigots) can think of lots of reasons to not
       have a MS solution. MS folks may not be the strongest
       voice but they are true believers (Protect them, make them
       look good). "

See also

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Alexandro Colorado
OpenOffice.org Espa&ntilde;ol
IM: j...@jabber.org

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