Hi Marco,

Marco Kelz schrieb:
Dear OpenOffice Coomuntiy.

Im Marco, 16 jears old, comming from Austria.

(I'm quite a bit older, located at Klagenfurt)

Im using OO since 2005 and i love it.

Im an IT-Seller, so i hope i can help to publish OO.org

My Speciality is Visuality, for example: Videos, Folders, Wallpapers, Icons, 
and much more.

If you are interested: Some marketing people try to define a general and consistent visual design for OpenOffice.org. Please have a look at our wiki: http://wiki.services.openoffice.org/wiki/Branding_Initiative and join our mailing list brand...@marketing.openoffice.org, if you think this might be a place to contribute.

Artwork like icons and wallpapers has been created in the Art Project (http://wiki.services.openoffice.org/wiki/Art, mailing list a...@marketing.openoffice.org) in the past, but I'm not sure if some of this work will be done in the Branding Initiative.

And if you want to help in germanophone marketing, I'm sure, Florian will be happy to see you in the germanophone project (http://de.openoffice.org with the mailing lists d...@de.openoffice.org and market...@de.openoffice.org).

A warm welcome from my side...


PS: With regards to video creation: There have been good ideas in the past and recently posted here on the list. If this is an area you want to be involved in, please have a look at our archives: http://marketing.openoffice.org/servlets/BrowseList?list=dev&by=thread&from=2386050

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