Hi Danishka, *

thanks to Stefan for his replies - just a few additions and links...

Danishka Navin schrieb:
On Sun, Sep 12, 2010 at 5:14 AM, Bernhard Dippold<
bernh...@familie-dippold.at>  wrote:

Hi Danishka,

Danishka Navin schrieb:

  Hi All,
I am looking for OpenOffice.org Official Presentation Templates.


I don't think that we already have an Official Presentation Template.

There are two or three facts that need to be considered:

1. The new logo is not able to be spread because the trademark policy has
not been published.

where is the new logo?
The new logo is the one used in OOo3.2.1 and 3.3.0.
You can find it on the OOo website (upper left corner) too.

Background can be found here (and in the links from that page):

All these graphical elements have been created during the last year by Sun Microsystems (now Oracle) employees, so Oracle is the copyright owner.

I hope for some kind of open license for the circular symbol ("gull orb") and the document icons, but up to now I didn't get any positive reply from anybody at Oracle.

The logo will stay proprietary as the old logo [http://marketing.openoffice.org/art/galleries/logos/previous.html#main] was.

While for every usage of the old logo a mail request to lo...@marketing.openoffice.org was necessary (replied by Louis Suarez-Potts, John McCreesh and Florian Effenberger IIRC), the new logo should be covered by a trademark policy defining who will be allowed to use the new logo for which use-case. A web-based form will allow to get approval for the majority of cases.

During the last months Oracle legal is checking the last version of the policy draft - afterwards it will be presented to the community.

Until the policy becomes valid, there are just two possibilities to use the new logo:

- Ask Oracle as copyright owner to approve our use-case.

- Use the logo without formal approval based on the probability that Oracle will not intervene in a case that obviously supports OpenOffice.org.

My personal problem starts if someone else uses our work (in this case the template) in a way that doesn't respect Oracle's or our project's work, intellectual property or reputation in public. Imagine a presentation that claims to sue Microsoft on patent infringement - an audience believing this presentation to be backed by the OpenOffice.org project and Oracle might cause rumors and bad reputation for our entire community.

2. An Official Template might be looked at as if the presentation would be
held by an official representative of OpenOffice.org. This can only be done
if the presenter really represents OOo - either being a project lead/co-lead
or a MarCon or having the official support by them and/or their relevant

How many officials per country?

can they cover all the regions?
These are questions we should discuss and decide here in the Marketing Project.
OO.org is not the only project I am working.

Fedora, Mozilla let there community to talk about those projects.
And they motivate volunteer contributors.
And this is what I really want to see for OOo too.

We just need rules, what can be done as OOo supporter and what needs to be backed by OOo representatives.
As we don't have a separate Marketing Offices in each country we have to
take the support of volunteers.
Most of the MarCons are volunteers - and probably just a few have an office at all...
None of us can't attend all the events in a country and its not practical.

I strongly recommend we must let others to use OO.org logo and templates for
OO.org related presentations.
That's my opinion too. But I think that we need to avoid negative effects by people pretending to represent the project without it's support.
So for the moment I'd recommend:
- Use the old logo or ask Oracle to allow usage of the new one.

why the hell we need sponsors approval to use OO.org logo or presentation
Stefan already told you the reason:

Oracle is not only our main sponsor, but our trademark holder too:

Search TESS for "OpenOffice.org" - I can't provide direct links:
http://tess2.uspto.gov/ and use "Basis Word Mark Search"

OpenOffice.org has been trademarked in the US and other countries by Team OpenOffice.org e.V. , the first OpenOffice.org non-profit (founded by some of the core OOo developers and supporters employed by Sun at this time). They sold the trademark to Sun Microsystems because Sun was the only one able to protect the mark against abuse (and allowing abuse would weaken the mark). With the acquisition of Sun Microsystems Oracle got our trademark together with the duty to protect it.

I'm not a lawyer, so bare with me, if I misinterpreted or mispronounced what I've been told in the past.

I strongly hope that the present situation will be overcome in the shortest possible time, because this paralyses our marketing efforts in a time we should be stronger than ever before!

Best regards


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