
Begin forwarded message:

> From: " Announcements" <>
> Date: 14 Oct 2010 8:46:55 EDT
> To:, linux-aus <>
> Subject: [lca-announce] lca2011 - Call for Miniconf Papers - one week left    
> to submit
> Reply-To:
> Hi All,
> Many of the excellent lca2011 Miniconfs have current CFPs open and
> would value your submissions. Time is quickly passing by, and if you
> were considering submitting you proposal to a miniconf organiser, now
> is the time to do so!
> 2011 Miniconfs
> Arduino
> The concept of Free / Open Source Software, already well understood by
> LCA attendees, is complemented by a rapidly growing community focused
> around Open Hardware and "maker culture". One of the drivers of the
> popularity of the Open Hardware community is easy access to cheap
> devices such as Arduino, which is a micro-controller development board
> originally intended for classroom use but now a popular building block
> in all sorts of weird and wonderful hobbyist and professional
> projects.
> The Arduino Miniconf is looking for presentations that cover topics
> such as specific techniques (such as "Compiling Arduino apps from the
> command line") and projects (such as "How I built an
> Arduino-controlled autonomous submarine"). Topics can cover either
> hardware, software, or both.
> To submit a proposal: 
> Business of Open Source
> The "Business of Open Source" Miniconf is for people interested in
> business aspects of open source. Topics include licensing your work,
> building a market, building a community, gathering market data,
> distribution, communications, working with Open Source developers,
> working with governments and countries, working with procurement
> departments, corporate governance, funding, pricing, lessons from your
> experience, and whatever related topics people would like to bring up.
> Whether you are a student working on a one-person Open Source project,
> own your own Open Source consulting company, or create Open Source
> strategy for a multi-billion dollar company, this Miniconf hopes to
> bring different people together to exchange thoughts and facilitate
> discussion about these topics.
> To submit a proposal:
> Data Storage
> This miniconf aims to cover many of the current methods of data
> storage and retrieval and attempt to bring order to the universe.
> We’re aiming to cover what various systems do, what the latest
> developments are and what you should use for various applications.
> We aim for talks from developers of and developers using the software
> in question.
> Aiming for some combination of: PostgreSQL, Drizzle, MySQL, XFS,
> ext[34], Swift (open source cloud storage, part of OpenStack),
> memcached, TokyoCabinet, TDB/CTDB, CouchDB, MongoDB, Cassandra,
> HBase….. and more!
> To submit a proposal:
> Freedom in the Cloud
> Whether or not 2011 will be known as the year of the Federated Social
> Web remains to be seen, but the cloud is certainly not going away and
> we'd like to propose a Miniconf to cater to all cloud enthusiasts.
> Specifically, we'd like to solicit proposals from two main groups. The
> first one is the hard-core technical cloud engineers who build their
> tech on Open Source software. The kind of people who know so much
> about tweaking their kernels and scaling their infrastructures that
> they could out-Google Google.
> The second group of people we'd like to attract are the free network
> services and federated social web people. These folks know that the
> growth of netbooks and smartphones has meant a great dependence on
> centralized network services. But as more and more computing moves
> into "the cloud", users and companies are losing direct control over
> their data and processes. They see a very high risk to businesses and
> individuals.
> To submit a proposal:
> Haecksen
> Linuxchix have been a feature at since 2007. Last year,
> the miniconf was renamed to "Haecksen". The word haecksen is the
> German feminine word for "hacker", and it is designed to encompass the
> wide range of activities that women are involved in throughout the
> open source space. This miniconf has historically attracted women
> involved in areas as diverse as software development, OLPC hacking,
> and smart crafting, along with a wide array of other disciplines
> within free and open source software.
> Some suggested topics are smart crafting, usability, cloud living,
> professional development, loyalty tax, community management, best
> practices, documentation, impostor syndrome, virtualisation, computer
> security, social engineering, fashion technology, hardware hacking,
> how to submit your first patch. Don't see your favourite talking point
> on the list? Don't worry - if you're passionate about it, we want to
> hear about it.
> In brief, we are looking for women doing interesting stuff with
> interesting technologies. If something has captured your enthusiasm,
> come and share it with us! If you have never spoken before, the
> Haecksen miniconf is a friendly and relaxed environment to find your
> 'stage-legs', so go ahead and submit something!
> To submit a proposal:
> Libre Graphics Day
> Do you develop, use, document, or train with Free Software Graphix
> tools? Tools such as GIMP, Inkscape, Scribus, Blender, Krita, Sk1,
> Fontforge and Fontmatrix. Are you involved in the testing and
> development of the sub-systems and libraries on which these apps
> depend? Perhaps you can share expertise in the 'How' of Libre
> Graphics? Could you talk about Design techniques and workflow? Pre-
> press, or Themes and Skins for open source web frameworks. What about
> Digital asset management? What about the Why? Communication strategy
> and effective marketing using graphic design. Open Source publishing?
> What about Digital Art just for Art's sake? Perhaps you have other
> ideas that relate to Libre Graphics?
> We're calling for presentations related to Free Software in the
> Graphics domain, and aim to provide an environment for cross-project
> collaboration to build understanding of shared problems, and work
> towards shared solutions. Most of all, we just wanna have fun, and
> bring some of the Libre Graphics Love to the southern hemisphere.
> To submit a proposal:
> Multicore and Parallel Computing
> The Multicore and Parallel Computing Miniconf offers a space to learn
> about Open Source contributions (existent or in progess) to the
> problem of developing parallel software. It aims to launch a
> conversation on how the Open Source Community, the Education sector,
> Scientists and Researchers, Developers and the Industry are looking at
> this new scenario. We invite presentations with a broad scope from
> specific code and technical developments, direct applications (i.e.
> games industry, HPC, etc) and scientific research to training on
> parallel programming and how the Open Source model will be central to
> developing a sustainable platform for multicore and parallel
> computing.
> To submit a proposal:
> Multimedia + Music
> The 2011 LCA Multimedia miniconf will provide a platform where users
> and developers of open source multimedia and music creation software
> can share experiences and gain new insights about the often complex
> applications they use and rely on. It will present a fantastic
> opportunity for users to interact directly with developers,
> facilitating diverse discussions on topics such as required features,
> new workflow ideas and the low level multimedia systems.
> To submit a proposal:
> Open in the Public Sector
> Free Software, Open Data, and Open APIs are already changing
> government: lowering costs, exposing waste, increasing transparency,
> and permitting citizens to use and extend government information and
> services. Though already making a difference, adoption is by no means
> as widespread as would make sense. While the benefits seem obvious to
> proponents, public sector IT managers often see considerable obstacles
> to adoption of free software,open data and practices.
> This Miniconf will provide a forum to discuss the issues around Free
> Software use and Open Government practices as well as showcase some
> success stories and initiatives.
> To submit a proposal:
> Open Programming
> The LCA2011 Open Programming Miniconf helps bridge the gap between the
> low-level developer and the end-user by bringing the topic of tools
> and techniques for application development to
> We invite 25-minute talks on a wide range of topics, tools and
> languages with the aim of bringing together open source developers
> with presentations that share techniques, best practices and values
> amongst users of all open source programming languages.
> If you know something about a topic of interest to the LCA Developer
> community, please read our call for presentations and submit a
> proposal!
> To submit a proposal:
> Research & Student Innovation
> The FOSS in Research and Student Innovation Miniconf brings together
> researchers and students with an active interest in Free and Open
> Source Software with the broader community to highlight
> exciting work taking place within the often esoteric world of academia
> and educational institutions.
> We invite 25-minute presentations on topics in two streams: “FOSS in
> Research”, which provides an informal outlet for those pursuing topics
> of interest to FOSS communities in their studies; and “Student
> Innovation”, which brings the perspective of the student delegation to
> the forefront, by allowing them to share their experiences of FOSS
> with the broader LCA community.
> To submit a proposal:
> Rocketry
> All presentation components of this unique workshop event will be by
> invitation only.
> Southern Plumbers
> A miniconference for people who can't sit listening about distros,
> desktops, waves, web apps, multimedia, etc. This is a miniconf to
> replace the Kernel miniconf I co-organised at a couple of LCAs
> previously and would cover the kernel,, upstart/systemd, udev,
> and all things the Linux Plumbers Conference would cover except at a
> miniconf at LCA.
> To submit a proposal:
> System Administration
> The Systems Administration Miniconf will cover tools and best
> practices used to manage real world Linux environments both large and
> small. The Miniconf aims to provide talks that are directly useful to
> professional Linux system administrators, and many will also be
> relevant to users running their own Linux systems. The Miniconf will
> follow a similar format to previous Systems Administration Miniconfs
> at Linux.Conf.Au, in 2006, 2008, 2009 and 2010.
> Topics for presentations could include (but are not limited to):
> Systems Administration, Backups, Security, Troubleshooting, Buying
> Decisions, Virtualisation and Cloud Computing, DevOps, Enterprise
> Monitoring and Management, Identity Management, Web and Email
> management, Wiki, Clustering and High Availability, Log Management,
> Spam and Virus Filtering, VOIP, Ticketing systems, Bootstrapping and
> automated installation, Configuration Management, packaging and
> provisioning.
> We strongly welcome topics on best practice, new developments in
> systems administration and cutting edge techniques to better manage
> Linux hosts and environments.
> To submit a proposal:
> _______________________________________________
> lca-announce mailing list

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