I sent them an email asking if they gave access to the source code. Their
reply was:

> Sure.  If you would like the source code we will gladly provide it on the
> disc or can make a download available if you purchase from our website.
> Best,
> Crabby Digital
In other words, they don't provide the source code to customers as a matter
of course and they don't supply  the code to 3rd parties.

My reply to them (sent today) was:

Actually (unless you have provided a copy of the source code to
*everybody*that you have sold the binaries to) you are required to
make the source code
> available to all comers -- whether they have paid for the binaries or not.
> If you do not do so, then you are in violation of the (L)GPL, and subject
> to being sued by anybody who has contributed to the code pool for copyright
> violation,
> including both damages and/or a permanent injunction preventing further
> sale.
> I'm not a lawyer, so if you have questions you should give them to your
> lawyer, along with a copy of the relevant licences.

On Thu, Nov 11, 2010 at 8:33 AM, Andy Brown <a...@the-martin-byrd.net>wrote:

> On Thu Nov 11 2010 06:30:31 GMT-0800 (PST)  Louis Sua'rez-Potts wrote:
>> Hi,
>> On 2010-11-05, at 24:55 , Andy Brown wrote:
>>  On Thu Nov 04 2010 17:15:50 GMT-0700 (PDT)  Judy Nelson wrote:
>>>> I wasn't sure if you are aware but I found this site on the net:
>>>> http://www.crabbydigital.com/products/openoffice/
>>>> They are selling your product for $27.
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Judith A. Nelson
>>>> judy.nelson.mo...@gmail.com
>>> Judith,
>>> Thanks for you interest but there is nothing illegal about selling
>>> OpenOffice.org.  There are a couple of things that you should be doing but
>>> that is for a legal team to look at, so will forward to let someone handle.
>>> Thanks
>>> Andy
>> Andy and the others are correct. However, sometimes, there are illegal
>> things that companies do, whether knowingly or not. These include using
>> (abusing) our trademark to sell their wares. Then there are the
>> unscrupulous. These include, to my mind, those who offer "free" downloads of
>> OOo (yep) and then [!!] charge a subscription fee.
>> In general, when there are bad actors afoot, I write a polite letter
>> asking them to mend their ways and join us in promoting not destroying the
>> community. If they balk, refuse to change, I ask for legal help. By this
>> point, they usually change or disappear.
> I had a look at the site in question and sent an email suggesting a couple
> of things.  I received a "Thank you" reply but they have not made any
> changes yet.
> Maybe a look be someone in legal would help.
> Andy

Stephen Samuel http://www.bcgreen.com  Software, like love,
778-861-7641                              grows when you give it away

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