Hi *,

WorldLabel.com wrote (26-05-11 13:50)
 We will protect past investments by building on the solid achievements
of our first decade

I can not help reading that line and thinking the fact is, the only way
we all can "protect past investments" and build on them is to forge a
way for both communities to come together!

Yes ... but there is something more to say on the subject.
It is obvious that, at the moment when the larger part left to continue working in TDF, not all people had the same feeling. People maybe found it too fast, or maybe some found the departure a bit noisy, or not fair against Sun/Oracle, or for the Hamburg developers, or ...
No need to discuss this all again pls ;-)

However, the fact that Oracle decided to stop working as has been done in the past, and to hand OpenOffice.org over to the open source community (...) does not automatically mean that the various opinions that we have seen around the start of TDF, suddenly have changed. Isn't it?!

Well, obviously people that work (convinced) in TDF (and I am one of them) may feel: "we already made the step, set up a whole lot of necessary tools, infra, etc etc, so come on and join ... :-) "

And indeed we see that people and groups do.
But also we must recognize that not for each and everyone that didn't, maybe the initial opinion and feelings did not change just by Oracle's announcement.

Kind regards,

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